920 Yonge St., Suite 802, Toronto ON M4W3C7,
Felstiner Mediation is located on Yonge Street, just north of Davenport Rd.
The office is accessible by public transit, offers underground parking and is wheelchair accessible.
The closest subway stations are Bloor/Yonge or Rosedale.
Please use the form below or call Caroline at the number listed above.
During regular business hours, Caroline typically replies within 24 hours.
Caroline will not share your information unless there is risk of abuse or neglect of a child, risk of imminent harm to an adult or where she is required to do so by law. With your consent, Caroline will share information with your lawyers. More detailed information about the protection of your privacy and confidentiality is provided during your first meeting with Caroline. If you have questions about confidentiality please speak with Caroline.
Your fees are determined by the type of service you choose. Caroline prefers fees be paid by e-transfer but credit cards are accepted. There is a one-time $20 fee for each client to cover the charges associated with opening their file. All clients are required to sign a credit card authorization. If you have any questions about fees that are not answered here please send Caroline an email using the QUESTIONS button below.
Services for individuals are billed at $200 per hour and may be covered by an extended health insurance plan.
Fees for Mediation or Collaborative Law services are $300 per hour and are shared, except for individual intake meetings. Caroline offers a reduced fee to two families at a time. Please ask Caroline if she is accepting families at her reduced fee or if she has space on the reduced fee waiting list.
Mediation may also be arranged on a flat-fee basis. Under this arrangement, you know what services you are signing up for and when the payments are billed. Details on flat-fee mediation packages are available here.
Voice of the Child services are paid on a flat-fee arrangement. A Voice of the Child Report for one child costs $1800 plus HST. Each additional child adds $700.00 (plus HST) to the total cost.
Caroline maintains a paperless office and will send you digital forms to complete. There will be an “Agreement to Participate” in the specific service for which you engage Caroline. These “Agreements to Participate” detail the scope of your work with Caroline, the office policies, and ending the process.